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Concept work | Signing | Detailing | Illustrations | Interactive objects | Implementation & Installation
The purpose of this route is to give the animal caretaker a helping hand: The name labels on the food crates have been damaged during transport, and by solving puzzles effectively, you'll figure out where the respective crates should go. “Ooh, this one stinks like onions, and I can feel worms here.” Use your senses and common sense to ensure everything ends up in the right place!
Additionally, you can call the animal caretaker and try to provide the right animal species with the right food. The route ends with a quiz. For example, did you know that some animals, such as rabbits, eat their own poop, and do you know why?
Naturally, Peerdrops was also present at the opening of the new expedition. The catering was again taken care of down to the last detail with the finishing touch of mealworms. And these were -of course- also tasted by Twan & Mark. 😋
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